filterMethod for adding documents to the RedisVectorStore. It first converts the documents to texts and then adds them as vectors.
The documents to add.
options: RedisAddOptionsOptional parameters for adding the documents.
A promise that resolves when the documents have been added.
Method for adding vectors to the RedisVectorStore. It checks if the index exists and creates it if it doesn't, then adds the vectors in batches.
The vectors to add.
The documents associated with the vectors.
A promise that resolves when the vectors have been added.
Method for dropping an index from the RedisVectorStore.
deleteDocuments: booleanOptional boolean indicating whether to drop the associated documents.
A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the index was dropped.
Method for performing a similarity search in the RedisVectorStore. It returns the documents and their scores.
The query vector.
The number of nearest neighbors to return.
filter: RedisVectorStoreFilterTypeOptional filter to apply to the search.
A promise that resolves to an array of documents and their scores.
fromStatic method for creating a new instance of RedisVectorStore from documents. It adds the documents to the RedisVectorStore.
The documents to add.
The embeddings to use.
The configuration for the RedisVectorStore.
docsOptions: RedisAddOptionsThe document options to use.
A promise that resolves to a new instance of RedisVectorStore.
fromStatic method for creating a new instance of RedisVectorStore from texts. It creates documents from the texts and metadata, then adds them to the RedisVectorStore.
The texts to add.
The metadata associated with the texts.
The embeddings to use.
The configuration for the RedisVectorStore.
A promise that resolves to a new instance of RedisVectorStore.
Generated using TypeDoc
⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️
This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
It is not recommended for use.
Install and import from the "@langchain/redis" integration package instead. Class representing a RedisVectorStore. It extends the VectorStore class and includes methods for adding documents and vectors, performing similarity searches, managing the index, and more.